Tuesday, January 15, 2013

R.I.P Freddy E + Honey Cocaine dedicates new track "He's The One" to Freddy E

Youtube star Freddy E form Jerk t.v committed suicide. January 5th after allegedly breaking up with Recording artist Honey cocaine. As the community sheds tears over his loss, Groups have begun to blame Honey claiming it was because of her that he ended his story. As a response to the masses honey cocaine came out with a sentimental track called "He's the one" after Freddy's death.

Check out Honey Cocaine new track dedicated to Freddy E 

Before Freddy's death he posted numerous amounts of tweets that did not startle his fans. But it became all too real in the end when the bullet actually left the chamber. After honey cocaine found out what happened, she had given an exclusive interview on MTV allowing her fans and many viewers to create their own views. And closing the door for skeptics.

Honey Cocaine's Interview with MTV

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what I've gotten from this is...she was not the cause of his death whilst sharing that she loved him dearly. 

After listening and reading many stories, videos, and articles online; whether Freddy and Honey were relationship was not important. We have lost a very Iconic person, and no one has the right to criticize her if they do not know the full story. 

We all have moments in our life where we feel confused and make bad choices. but at the end of the day, this does not define who Freddy was as a person. He was brilliantly funny and brought entertainment to all.  

That is what we will remember him for.

Lets forget about all the negatives and remember him as the person he was. And even more for the beautiful gifts of joy that he left for us all.

OnpointCelebz sends condolences go out towards his loved ones. R.I.P FREDDY E

1 comment:

  1. A lost generation. What is happening to us? So sad. Handsome young guy. Much better place he's in now. But he left too soon and we'll never know how far he could've gone.
